天秤女理想的爱情 天秤女完美情人

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  Libra The Libra animus breathes beauty. Perfectly groomed, dressed to thenines, and just as pretty as he is handsome, this is the consummatesharp-dressed man. The Libra animus will wine and dine his woman, take her toart galleries and charm her silly until he hits one of his fickle spells。  天秤座女生的男性意向由内而外散发着美。她的男性意向是一个衣着完美入时的男人,他外表考究、总是盛装打扮,着装和他的外表同样悦目。她的男性意向会用丰盛的酒菜款待他的女人,带她去参观画廊,让她着迷得不会思考,直到他突然变心为止。

天秤女理想的爱情 天秤女完美情人