摩羯女理想的另一半 摩羯女渴望的爱情

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  Capricorn This is the mogul – the big daddy who will right everything wrong inthis world with the sheer power of his status. A Capricorn woman cannot resista man who's the master of his world. And if he's built his name from scratch,all the more devastating。  摩羯座女生的男性意向可是个大人物——他的地位崇高,有着说一不二的权力,只要他认为对,错的也是对的。他主宰了他的整个世界——这样的男人令摩羯座女性无法拒绝。若他是白手起家建功立业的,则更能令摩羯座女性印象深刻。

摩羯女理想的另一半 摩羯女渴望的爱情