白羊女理想的另一半 白羊女渴望的爱情

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  Aries Forget about someone killing you softly. This man had better be ready to take you,caveman-style.An Aries animus reeks of raw, heroic power – the kind of man whowill barge in, seize the moment and save his damsel from distress, all whileleaping tall buildings in a single bound。  白羊座女生对那些温柔的男人没有兴趣,而大男人往往更能捕获她的芳心。她的男性意向具有勇猛的、英雄般的能力——那类男人会突然出现,轻轻一跳便能越过高楼,同时抓住机会将他的姑娘从危难中解救出来。 

白羊女理想的另一半 白羊女渴望的爱情